Dynamic Programming

When should we think about using dynamic programming?

Satisfied both two following situation.

1. When if following one of condition is true

  • Find maximum value or minimum value.
  • Existed or not, by boolean value.
  • Count all possible solution (return just count).

2. Cannot rely on sort or swap operation.

3. Avoid greedy algorithm

What's the steps when using dynamic programming?

Status (State)

How to represent memory by data structure?


How to pass through the memorial data structure?


How to start the memorizing procedure and think about the boundary conditions?


Where is answer? Is it the last element in memorial data? Or it need to record any maximum or minimum value?


Matrix DP (2-D memorized)

Status: f[i][j] means to get the value by the start point to the position [i][j]
Function: different step approaches need to consider carefully
Initialization: in most case it doesn't needed
Answer: f[last_i][last_j] or recording max value or min value (depend on question)
Example: Triangle, Unique Path, Maximal Square...

Sequence DP (1-D memorized)

Status: f[i] means first 'i' position/number/alphabet
Function: f[i] = f[j] ... j is the position before i
Initialization: f[0] should be initialized with a certain value
Answer: f[length-1] or f[length]
Example: Partition Palindrome, Word Break, Longest Increasing Subsequence...

Two Sequence (2-D memorized)

Most of time, we setup 2-D memorized array has one plus original length, e.g. memo[len+1][len+1]. Why? Because we have to calculate the case of zero, and this also lead to the index of what we got should minus one, e.g. s.charAt(i-1).

Status: f[i][j] means the first [i] number/alphabet and first [j] number/alphabet
Function: f[i][j] is the relationship of ith in first sequence and jth in second sequence
Initialization: consider about f[i][0] and f[0][j]
Example: Longest Common Substring, Longest Common Sequence, Edit Distance, Palindrome Boolean Matrix...

Backpack (Difficult Part)

Typical Question: Given N integers, one target, output if several number can be combined to get the sum as the target.

Status: f[i][S] the previous i numbers and whether it can sum to S
Function: f[i][S] should come from f[i-1][S - arr[i]] (taken) or f[i-1][S](not taken)
Initialization: consider about f[i][0] and f[0][j]

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