Chess Game

Some Rules:

  • Player chooses piece to move through the board.
  • Piece makes legal move according to its own move rules.
  • .
  • If player captures a piece, remove the piece.
  • If the piece is a pawn reaching the back rank, promote it.
  • If the move is a castling, set the new position of the rook accordingly. But a king and rook can only castle if they haven't moved, so you need to keep track of that. And if the king moves through a check to castle, that's disallowed, too.
  • If the move results in a stalemate or checkmate, the game is over.

Basic Object Design

  • Game:
    • Contains the Board and 2 Players
    • Commands List (for history tracking)
  • Board (Singleton):

    • Hold spots with 8*8
    • Initialize the piece when game start
    • Move Piece
    • Remove Piece
  • Spot:

    • Hold Pieces
  • Piece (Abstract):

    • Hold the color to represent the affiliation.
    • Extended by concreted classes with 8 Pawns, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, 1 Queen, 1 King
    • Concreted classes define the detail step approach
  • Player (Abstract):

    • Has a list of piece reference it owns.
    • Concreted classes for Human and Computer players
  • Command

    • Piece
    • Destination x, y

Solution for Basic Part

Here we can achieve the step move and check the win for player

  • Game:
public class Game{
    final static Board board;
    Player p1;
    Player p2;

    public Game() {
        board = new Board();

    public boolean enterPlayer(Player p) {
        if(p1 == null)
            this.p1 = p;
        else if(p2 == null)
            this.p2 = p;
            return false;

        return true;

    public void processTurn(Player p) {
        // Player make a command and until it is valid
        // System input
            Command cmd = new Command(input);

    public startGame(){
        // player enter the game:
        enterPlayer(new ComputerPlayer("Computer"));
        enterPlayer(new HumanPlayer("Bill"));

        while(true) {
            if(this.board.getWin()) {
                System.out.println("P1 win!");
            if(this.board.getWin()) {
                System.out.println("P2 win!");
  • Board:
public class Board{

    private Spot[][] spots;
    private boolean win; // mark the win or not

    public Board(){
        win = false;
        spots = new Spot[8][8];

    public void initialize(Player p){
        // put the pieces with initial status
        for(int i=0; i<p.getPieces().size(); i++){

    public boolean executeMove(Player p) {
        Command cmd = p.getCurrentCmd();
        Piece piece = cmd.getPiece();

        // check the move step is valid for piece
        if(!piece.validMove(this, cmd.curX, cmd.curY, cmd.desX, cmd.desY)) {
            // if not valid cmd remove the command and return false
            return false;

        // check the two pieces side
        if(spot[cmd.desX][cmd.desY] != null && spot[cmd.desX][cmd.desY].color == piece.color)
            return false;

        // check and change the state on spot
        Piece taken = spot[cmd.desX][cmd.desY].occupySpot(piece);
        if(taken != null &&taken.getClass().getName().equals("King"))
   = true;
        return true;

    public boolean getWin() {
        return win;
  • Spot:
public class Spot {
    int x;
    int y;
    Piece piece;

    public Spot(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        piece = null;

    // return original piece
    public void occupySpot(Piece piece){
        Piece origin = this.piece;
        //if piece already here, delete it, i. e. set it dead
        if(this.piece != null) {
        //place piece here
        this.piece = piece;
        return origin;

    public boolean isOccupied() {
        if(piece != null)
            return true;
        return false;

    public Piece releaseSpot() {
        Piece releasedPiece = this.piece;
        this.piece = null;
        return releasedPiece;

    public Piece getPiece() {
        return this.piece;
  • Pieces:
public class Piece {
    private int x;
    private int y;

    private boolean available; // mark the live or dead
    private int color; // mark the owner

    public Piece(boolean available, int x, int y, int color) {
        this.available = available;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.color = color;

    public boolean isAvailable() {
        return available;
    public void setAvailable(boolean available) {
        this.available = available;
    public int getX() {
        return x;
    public void setX(int x) {
        this.x = x;
    public int getY() {
        return y;
    public void setY(int y) {
        this.y = y;

    public boolean isValid(Board board, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY){
        // different by character of piece


public class King extends Piece{ 
    public boolean isValid(Board board, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) {
// ..... for Queen, Rook, Bishop, Pawn
  • Player:
public class Player {

    public int color;

    private List<Piece> pieces = new ArrayList<>();

    private List<Command> cmds = new ArrayList<>();

    public Player(int color) {
        this.color = color;

    public List<Piece> getPieces() {
        return pieces;

    public void initializePieces(){
        if(this.color == 1){
            for(int i=0; i<8; i++){ // draw pawns
                pieces.add(new Pawn(true,i,2, 1));
            pieces.add(new Rook(true, 0, 0, 1));
            pieces.add(new Rook(true, 7, 0, 1));
            pieces.add(new Bishop(true, 2, 0, 1));
            pieces.add(new Bishop(true, 5, 0, 1));
            pieces.add(new Knight(true, 1, 0, 1));
            pieces.add(new Knight(true, 6, 0, 1));
            pieces.add(new Queen(true, 3, 0, 1));
            pieces.add(new King(true, 4, 0, 1));
            for(int i=0; i<8; i++){ // draw pawns
                pieces.add(new Pawn(true,i,6, 0));
            pieces.add(new Rook(true, 0, 7, 0));
            pieces.add(new Rook(true, 7, 7, 0));
            pieces.add(new Bishop(true, 2, 7, 0));
            pieces.add(new Bishop(true, 5, 7, 0));
            pieces.add(new Knight(true, 1, 7, 0));
            pieces.add(new Knight(true, 6, 7, 0));
            pieces.add(new Queen(true, 3, 7, 0));
            pieces.add(new King(true, 4, 7, 0));

  • Command
public class Command {
    Piece piece;
    int curX, curY, desX, desY;
    public Commanc(Piece piece, int curX, int curY, int desX, int desY) {
        this.piece = piece; 
        this.curX = curX;
        this.curY = curY;
        this.desX = desX;
        this.desY = desY;

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