Deck of Card

Design the data structure for a generic deck of cards. How you would subclass it to implement particular card games?


Card has suit and value; Suit has four kinds with Club, Spade, Heart and Diamond.

About Enum Type

  1. enum 类型不支持 public 和 protected 修饰符的构造方法,因此构造函数一定要是 private 或 friendly 的。也正因为如此,所以枚举对象是无法在程序中通过直接调用其构造方法来初始化的。
  2. 定义 enum 类型时候,如果是简单类型 (No more constructor),那么最后一个枚举值后不用跟任何一个符号;但如果有定制方法,那么最后一个枚举值与后面代码要用分号';'隔开,不能用逗号或空格。
  3. 由于 enum 类型的值实际上是通过运行期构造出对象来表示的,所以在 cluster 环境下,每个虚拟机都会构造出一个同义的枚举对象。因而在做比较操作时候就需要注意,如果直接通过使用等号 ( ‘ == ’ ) 操作符,这些看似一样的枚举值一定不相等,因为这不是同一个对象实例。


class Card {
    // Define the Suit by Enum type
    public enum Suit {
        CLUBS(1), SPADE(2), HEART(3), DIAMOND(4);
        int value;
        private Suit(int val) {
            this.value = val;

    // Card has suit and value, only two kind of data need to store
    int val;
    Suit suit;

    public Card(int value, Suit suit) {
        this.val = value;
        this.suit = suit;

    public int getVal(){
        return this.val;

    public Suit getSuit(){
        return this.suit;


  • Face cards (kings, queens, and jacks) are counted as ten points.
  • Ace can be counted as 1 point or 11 points
  • Other cards with value less than ten should be counted as what it values.
class BlackJack extends Card{
    public BlackJack(int val, Suit suit) {
        super(val, suit);

    public int getVal(){
        int value = super.getVal();
        if(value < 10)
            return value;
        else if(value == 1)
            return 11;
        return 10;

    public boolean isAce(){
        return super.getVal() == 1;

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