Vending Machine


The key point for this question is that you should recognize the states switching process. Essentially, it's a thinking about state pattern.

Four States for a vending machine:

  1. Empty (Nothing in vending machine) 无商品
  2. Coin Inserted 已投币
  3. No Coin Inserted 未投币
  4. Dispense a merchandise 出售商品

Four states switching

You can use integer to represent state like this:

      // 已投币   
      private final static int HAS_MONEY = 0;  
      // 未投币   
      private final static int NO_MONEY = 1;  
      // 售出商品   
      private final static int SOLD = 2;  
      // 商品售罄   
      private final static int SOLD_OUT = 3;

BUT it'd be better to use classes with designed inheritance relationship, like following

    // 已投币   
    State coninInsertedState = new CoinInsertedState(this);
    // 商品售罄  
    State emptyState = new EmptyState(this);
    // 未投币 
    State noCoinInsertedState = new NoCoinInsertedState(this);
    // 售出商品
    State dispensingState = new DispensingState(this);


First We should think about state interface:

// State interface
import statepattern.exception.MachineWarning;
public interface State {

    public void insertCoin()throws MachineWarning;
    public void pressButton()throws MachineWarning;
    public void dispense()throws MachineWarning;

Concrete States implementations

// Inserted Coin state
package statepattern;
import statepattern.exception.MachineWarning;
public class CoinInsertedState implements State{
    VendingMachine machine =null;
    public CoinInsertedState(VendingMachine machine) {
        this.machine =  machine;
    public void insertCoin() throws MachineWarning{
        throw new MachineWarning("Coin is already inserted.");
    public void dispense() throws MachineWarning{
        throw new MachineWarning("Dispense button is not pressed.");

    public void pressButton() throws MachineWarning{

// Dispensing Merchandise
package statepattern;
import statepattern.exception.MachineWarning;
public class DispensingState implements State{
    VendingMachine machine ;
    DispensingState(VendingMachine machine) {
        this.machine = machine;
    public void insertCoin() throws MachineWarning {
        throw new MachineWarning("wait ... previous order is processing");
    public void pressButton() throws MachineWarning {
        throw new MachineWarning("wait ... previous order is processing");
    public void dispense() throws MachineWarning {

// Nothing in machine (Empty)
package statepattern;
import statepattern.exception.MachineWarning;
public class EmptyState implements State{
    VendingMachine machine;
    public EmptyState(VendingMachine machine) {
        this.machine =  machine;
    public void insertCoin() throws MachineWarning{
        throw new MachineWarning("Can not process the request");
    public void pressButton() throws MachineWarning{
        throw new MachineWarning("Invalid Action");
    public void dispense() throws MachineWarning{
        throw new MachineWarning("Invalid Action");

// No coin inserted
package statepattern;
import statepattern.exception.MachineWarning;
public class NoCoinInsertedState implements State{
    VendingMachine machine;
    public NoCoinInsertedState(VendingMachine machine) {
        this.machine =  machine;
    public void insertCoin() throws MachineWarning{
        if (!machine.isEmpty()) {
        else {
            throw new MachineWarning("Can not process request .. Machine is out of stock");
    public void pressButton() throws MachineWarning{
        throw new MachineWarning("No coin inserted ..");
    public void dispense() throws MachineWarning{
        throw new MachineWarning("Invalid Operation");

Then, we have to think about how to structure of vending machine object.

package statepattern;
import statepattern.exception.MachineWarning;
public class VendingMachine {
    // declare 
    State coninInsertedState = new CoinInsertedState(this);
    State emptyState = new EmptyState(this);
    State noCoinInsertedState = new NoCoinInsertedState(this);
    State dispensingState = new DispensingState(this);

    State machineState = null;
    int capacity = 0;
    public VendingMachine() {
        machineState = noCoinInsertedState;
    public void reFill(int count) {
        capacity += count;
        machineState = noCoinInsertedState;
     * Two Actions performed by MAchine   
    public void insertCoin() throws MachineWarning {

    public void pressButton() throws MachineWarning {

    public boolean isEmpty(){
            return true;
            return false;

    public void setMachineState(State machineState) {
        this.machineState = machineState;
    public State getMachineState() {
        return machineState;
    public void setConinInsertedState(State coninInsertedState) {
        this.coninInsertedState = coninInsertedState;
    public State getConinInsertedState() {
        return coninInsertedState;
    public void setEmptyState(State emptyState) {
        this.emptyState = emptyState;
    public State getEmptyState() {
        return emptyState;
    public void setNoCoinInsertedState(State noCoinInsertedState) {
        this.noCoinInsertedState = noCoinInsertedState;
    public State getNoCoinInsertedState() {
        return noCoinInsertedState;
    public void setDispensingState(State dispensingState) {
        this.dispensingState = dispensingState;
    public State getDispensingState() {
        return dispensingState;
    public void setCapacity(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;
    public int getCapacity() {
        return capacity;

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